Here are the workshops/professional development we offer. If you are interested in having us lead a workshop at your school or event, please contact us at [email protected]. We will customize any of these to meet the needs of your audience.
Fall CUE 2015
Workshops from FlipCon15 in Michigan
The first question we get asked is always “How can you flip without homework?” This session answers that question: we use video to make instruction asynchronous, and available 24/7. We then use class time to do the things we used to only wish we could do. Instead of stopping a lecture to answer a phone or write a referral, we have found a way to clone ourselves. This has opened up a tremendous amount of time that can be spent in the business of teaching and learning. We found that the things we wanted to do more of - reading complex texts, writing conferences with every student, individualised instruction, projects that demonstrated mastery - could all fit into class once we moved instruction onto video and freed ourselves up to help students instead of standing up at the front lecturing.
This session will start with some basics of how our flipped classrooms operate without homework; then we will have a discussion about why we’ve adopted a no homework policy and how to apply that to other subjects and academic situations. We will share some best-practice research that helped move us into the “low to no homework” camp, and look at the ways in which teachers can transition to this kind of classroom. Link to Slides. |
_With six combined years of flipped English experience spanning 6th-12th grade, we will share the pedagogy, strategies and activities that work in creating a project-based, inquiry-driven classroom. We will talk about video and its role in our classrooms, but what's more important is what's left after instruction is pushed to video. Using our face-to-face time with students in the best possible way has been our obsession, and we invite you to learn from our failures, missteps and successes. From new takes on Socratic Seminar, to ways to integrate grammar that aren't drill-n-kill, to rethinking how literature is taught, to making time for in-depth writing workshops with every student, we will take our classrooms apart and share the structures and assignments that have helped us be more effective teachers than we were before the flip. Link to slides.
Educators are drawn to new ideas all the time, but the difference between inspiration and the ability to make it work in the classroom is practically an unbridgeable chasm. If you've been drawn to the flipped classroom because you think it offers something your current classroom doesn't, but you don't quite know how to make it work in your particular context, this session is for you. We won't spend too much time talking about how to make videos, but rather, we'll talk about fundamentally redesigning your classroom in order to make the flip work for you and your students. We'll show how we use inquiry-driven pedagogy to create a rich project-based learning classroom where students have real-world audiences for their work. We'll spend time sharing the structures that have made us successful in transitioning from a traditional classroom to one where the student is in the centre. Link to slides.