American Lit
On Monday (1/14) we did the writing warmup, then played Things That Suck. It did not suck. Essentially, it was a debate where we discussed the following: homework, reading novels as homework, self-selected novels, using cell phones for learning, thesis statements, Socratic Seminar, and timed writing. There is no way to make it up, and it was not graded. If you missed class, the best thing to do is to ask someone who was there what it was like. We will play again another time. On Tuesday (1/15) we did the writing warmup, then watched two videos: How and Why We Read and Catcher In the Rye. Then we discussed what he does in those videos that helped us enjoy Catcher more. Come to class on Wednesday with some ideas of how we translate those videos into what we do in class this semester. In class on Wednesday (1/16) we did the writing warm-up (called Clearing The Attic), then looked over the My History as a Reader document to find out why we loved the books we loved. We decided on five main categories: Entertainment, Escape, Empathy, Education and Equality (having the same opportunity as other people in other places to talk about the Big Important Ideas). Then we wrote which categories fit each of our five "life-changing" books. Finally, we started a new document called "How We Read Novels" and we answered these questions (that document linked there contains all of the work from 1st period on 1/16.
Note: We did not do the writing warm-up on Monday, Tuesday, or Thursday.
On Monday (1/14) we had the lockdown drill and homeroom announcements. Then we started a document called "Derren Brown Apocalypse" and did a short writing assignment. First, make a list of the things/people you love most. Then, imagine all of it was taken away. What would you do? How would you react? What would you be feeling/thinking? After 5 minutes of writing, we started watching Apocalypse and took some notes about what Derren Brown was trying to get Steven to do/be as a result of that experience. We continued Apocalypse in class on Tuesday (1/15). On Thursday (1/17) we worked on the tasks in this document after finishing Apocalypse. Then we read "Finding Your Voice" (see me for handout if you were absent) and created a document called "Writing Advice." In the document, we wrote down the advice the author gives to writers (the instructions are also in the document with Apocalypse instructions linked above). If you didn't finish reading it, finish before class on Friday.
San Francisco Stories
On Monday (1/14) we wrote the introduction letter in class. On Tuesday (1/15), we read two articles (steps 8 and 9) and found the purpose and what they communicated about San Francisco. We talked about which one's tone better suited San Francisco - click the link to see the full instructions. On Wednesday (1/16) we started this assignment, which is due on Friday at the end of class. Your letter is also due by the end of class on Friday. In class, we finished discussing the two articles and answered questions 4-7 (on paper and in class discussion). There was a choice of using paper or sending the parts as an email. If you sent this as an email, I would recommend creating a document in Google Drive called "Views of SF" and putting both parts there so you don't lose them somehow.
Documents Created This Week (numbering is continuous for the semester)
American Literature:
3. Clearing the Attic
4. How We Read Novels
3. Writing Warm-ups (changed to Clearing the Attic on Thursday)
4. Derren Brown "Apocalypse"
San Francisco Stories
3. Writing Warm-ups (changed to Clearing the Attic on Thursday/Friday)
4. Travel Brochure for your SF Neighbourhood (uploaded as a .docx file to Google Drive & shared)
5. Sources for Travel Brochure