English 10, 2nd & 4th period (1/24/13)
We did the reading timeline. It was to serve a few purposes: to introduce you to me; to let me know what your perspective on reading is; to let me know what types of reading materials you love and which types you hate (or that you hate all of them). And it lets you draw! And write! You need to finish this tonight if you did not finish in class.
After that, we played Things That Suck. It was a debate game, where I named off school-related things that a lot of students don’t like (ex: reading aloud in class, reading silently or in groups, homework, doing EOC practice, etc.). The goal was to pick a side of the debate, and then spend a few minutes passionately and respectfully trying to get the other side to agree with you.
Desktop Publishing (1/24/13)
This assignment will do many things--it’ll introduce me to you all, it will let me know at least one thing that interests you, and it will give me a sense of what you know and what you don’t know.
Find five news articles about the same event. (Pick something recent-- the Inauguration, the shootings in TX, the Lakers losing again, etc. And pick something you’re interested in.)
Compare how the writers cover the event, which details are repeated, which are unique to one/two of them, how long they are, etc. Tell me which of the articles is the “best” coverage of your event, which is the “worst” and defend.
Then, decide which information is the most important and write your own version of the story. Your version should be original, including all the important info and getting rid of all of the unimportant info.