- On Monday, we worked on the Activity Menu and wrote a collaborative close read (1st 4th).
- On Tuesday, we turned in the Activity Menu work, had a reading quiz over chapters 11-14, and watched this video and talked about how to prepare for the Socratic Seminar on block day. We also did DOL 4.
- On block day, we will do CTA #6, have two Socratic Seminars (one on Jody, one on Tea Cake), and some time to finish the book.
- On Friday, all students should finish chapters 1-19 and come ready to discuss the events leading up to the ending for our final reading quiz. We will read chapter 20 (the last one!) in class, and discuss Close Read #5 - your final project for the unit.
- On Monday, we finished the Open Letter assignment and read three lists (1 2 3). Then we wrote narrative lists. We also completed the Mastery Form and the Cookie Day Form.
- On Tuesday, we did DOL 4 and wrote a collaborative narrative. You can submit yours here.
- On Thursday, we wrote CTA #6, completed our class collaborative narrative and started our own atypical narrative.
- On Friday, we finished our atypical narrative and worked on making them as awesome as possible.
Language of Humour:
Main playlist (6th period playlist for Friday)
- On Monday, we filled out the Mastery Form and talked about the New Rules. We also agreed to respect the Quiet Coyote.
- On Tuesday, in 3rd period, we did DOL 4 and started our collaborative narrative. In 6th period, we worked on finishing some assignments from Friday, and then started our collaborative narrative.
- On the block day, we worked on writing our collaborative narrative, and completed CTA #6.
- On Friday, we started our own narrative.