This week, we did the following things:
- Watched The Crucible (available on Netflix)
- We took a quiz on The Crucible - see me to make it up if you missed class that day
- We watched In Search of History: Salem Witch Trials (available on Netflix)
- We had a Socratic Seminar on each of these topics:
"What methods would you use to frame them, assuming people think they're a good person?"
2. "Are people born good, born bad, or born as a blank slate? What did the Puritans believe?"
Note: 1st period will have this seminar on Tuesday, 6 November.
To make either of them up (i.e. you were absent), write one page on the subject and you will get credit.
In 4th period, we started this project (1st period will start this on Wednesday):
Using your assumptions about human nature (whether we are born good, bad or as a blank slate) and the impact that has on your view of the Salem Witch Trials, consider how the conditions could be created for this kind of situation to happen again:
Friends and neighbours turn on each other. Best friends give each other up to authorities for punishment. Everyone is suspicious of others. All hell breaks loose.
Construct that scenario and describe how it plays out. And since accusing people of witchcraft is currently out of fashion, what crime is likely to replace it (but keeps the same connotation and impact witchcraft had in Salem)?
You may complete this project in any medium you want. Be creative. Go crazy.
We also began our first Derren Brown Experiment. 1st period started with The Gameshow, and 4th period selected Assassin to start. We finished the episode on Monday, 5 November.
This week, we worked on building our MentorMob playlist. Here is the assignment description. It was due Monday, 5 November. We also watched Derren Brown's Assassin in class on Friday.
This week, we are working on the assignments on this playlist. Everything through Step 5 should be done by the end of class on Monday. Make sure you sign up for a writing conference with Ms. Morris (this will focus on the piece of writing of your choice, in a one-on-one conference where we figure out how to make your writing MOAR AWESOME).
Language of Humour:
This week, we worked on building our MentorMob playlist. Here is the assignment description. The playlist is due by the end of the day on Tuesday, 6 November. We also watched Derren Brown's Apocalypse. In 6th period, we wrote our own Food Reviews and List Narratives.
If you are in 3rd period and missed class on Wednesday, here is your make-up assignment for the activity we did in class:
Read this. Write about how the author develops the humour in the text. 1/2 page minimum.